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Portable ATP Monitoring System

The Portable ATP monitoring system uses biochemical luminescence technology to convert the invisible ATP concentration into visible light output, so as to indirectly display the number of microorganisms with quantitative results.


Portable ATP Luminometer

Built on advanced photodiode sensor, Portable ATP luminometer is sensitive and ease of use.

Technical Specifications

Detection limit

1X10e15 moles of ATP with ATP kits


0~9999  RLU (Relative Light Unit)

Detection time

15 s


±5﹪ or ±5 RLUs



Data storage

More than 2000

USB connector

Data could be transferred to PC

Dimension (W×H×D)

192 mm×87 mm×34 mm

Weight(including battery)

260 g

Operation temperature

5℃ - 40℃

Operation humidity



Two AA size Alkaline Battery

Continuous reading


All-in-one ATP test kit

Adenosine Triphosphate, or ATP, is the energy molecule found in all living things, making it a perfect indicator when trying to determine if a surface or water is clean or not. Companies use ATP systems to rapidly verify surfaces cleaned thoroughly in food manufacturing and healthcare applications, and to ensure that biofilms are not developing on the surface that could affect quality. All-in-one ATP test kit is fitted with proprietary water collection device or swab, proprietary luciferase and liquid-stable reagent. Using with a commercial hand-held luminometer (such as portable ATP luminometer), the amount of ATP present in sample could be measured, providing information on the level of contamination in seconds.

ATP swabs surface test

ATP Swabs is fitted with a pre-moistened swab and suitable for testing microbes on surface. Because of its unique luciferase and stable reagent formula, ATP surface test is highly sensitive and stable with a shelf life of 15 months at 4 ℃.

ATP swabs liquid test

ATP swabs liquid test is fitted with a patented water collection device and suitable for testing microbes in liquid. The water collection device offers not only more consistent collection, but also flexible collection volume when needed. Because of its unique luciferase and stable reagent formula, ATP swabs liquid test is highly sensitive and stable with a shelf life of 15 months at 4 ℃.

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